
Free Trade Agreements
Ideal geographic location - allowing you to most efficiently implement JIT/JIS production models and to cost-effectively distribute aftermarket products to the region.
Positioned at the intersection point of two major European corridors - corridor 10 and corridor 7.
Only one border crossing the EU along with duty-free export to a number of countries, allows companies to serve their global markets from a single location.
The region of Vojvodina is uniquely positioned for global trading offering you a duty-free access to over 1 billion consumer.
EAEU - Russia’s Eurasian Union (population 180 mil – RUSSIA, BELARUS, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, ARMENIA) A Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Republic of Serbia was signed at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council (EIC) on October 25, 2019.
The existing concessions under the three bilateral agreements (with Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan) under the new agreement are extended to Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and each EAEU member has been granted an annual quota of 2,000 tonnes of cigarettes, 50,000 pure alcohol and 100 tonnes of processed cheese for import into Serbia. Russia will still be able to import all types of duty-free agri-food products. EUAE countries will continue to pay customs duties on imports into Serbia of white sugar, ethyl alcohol, cigarettes over quota, used motor vehicles and tires, new tractors and passenger cars manufactured in Russia. The following products from Serbia will continue to be cleared when exported to EAUE: poultry meat, certain types of cheeses, white sugar, sparkling wine, ethyl alcohols, cigarettes over annual quota, cotton fabrics and yarns, refrigeration compressors, passenger cars, and tractors, used motor vehicles and tires.
EU (population 505 mil) - enabled customs-free export of all products bearing the Serbian origin label, excluding wine and baby beef. In addition, the EU FTA abolished customs duties and quantitative restrictions for the import of Serbian textile products and guarantees to maintain the same policies in the future. Exemption from payment of customs duties for all industrial products originating in the EU, and in the part of agriculture means the exemption/reduction of customs duties, depending on the Annex or the SAA Protocol in which the product is located.
CEFTA (population 30 mil) - free trade agreement between Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on behalf of Kosovo. Duty free trade and accumulation of origin.Exported products in order to be considered of a Serbian origin, need to have undergone sufficient processing in Serbia.
EFTA (population 13 mil) - free trade agreement between Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Serbia, there is no customs duties except on fish and seafood. The Trade of agricultural products is regulated by mutual concessions.
USA (population 317 mil) - duty-free entry for more than 4,650 products, including most manufactured and intermediate goods and selected agricultural and primary industrial products, has been enabled. The products that have been excluded from this list generally fall in the categories of textile products, leather goods, and footwear.
TURKEY (population 72 mil) - Export is duty-free, as well as import of industrial products and certain agricultural products such as 5,000 t of beef per year as well as clearly defined quota of raw and refined sunflower oil, sunflower seeds and specific types of pastry products. The export quota from Serbia to Turkey for the particular types of frozen vegetables and prunes will be doubled.
USA (population 317 mil) - Duty-free entry for more than 4,650 products, including most manufactured and intermediate goods and selected agricultural and primary industrial products, has been enabled. The products that have been excluded from this list generally fall in the categories of textile products, leather goods, and footwear.