Mayor handed scholarship contracts to students
At the awarding ceremony the City Hall today the Mayor of Zrenjanin dr Mileta Mihajlov handed the scholarship contracts to the best students and pupils of secondary schools with the residence on the territory of Zrenjanin City. For this academic year 83 students and 6 pupils were granted the scholarship of 8,600 dinars (students), i.e. 4,000 dinars (pupils) per month for 9 months, in total 10 million dinars were allocated from the City budget. At the ceremony the members of the Scholarship Commission were present too – Deputy Mayor Zorica Denda, Deputy Head of the City Administration Jasmina Malinić and the Head of Financial Department Euđenija Besu.

In his statement to students the Mayor Mihajlov pointed out that they are the best among the best, he wished them success in further education asking them to return to their hometown after finishing of their studies and contribute to its development emphasizing that the knowledge is a capital no one can take from them..

The scholarships are equally allocated to students of science, technical and technological studies, humanities, medicine and arts. The criteria were average mark over nine, passed all the exams, age under 27, for master and Ph studies under 27.
The City of Zrenjanin allocated two million dinars from the budget for specialisations.

For several last years the City of Zrenjanin has been allocating significant financial funds for student and pupil standard. However, due to the change in law regulations the students and pupils are not entitled to both city and republic scholarship. The City scholarships are higher at the moment and the students had enough time to decide before applying.