Trying to find a solution ''Banat - seme''
On Wednesday, in the City Council Hall the Mayor of Zrenjanin dr Mileta Mihajlov organised a meeting to find solution for Zrenjanin company "Banat-seme", because, as he said, it is of great importance. This is, he says, in the interest of the City, and it is particularly important regarding job positions.
- We are highly agriculture area and "Banat seme" does not deserve to go into bankruptcy and not to exist any more. This is the opportunity to do something together – said the Mayor.
- We are highly agriculture area and "Banat seme" does not deserve to go into bankruptcy and not to exist any more. This is the opportunity to do something together – said the Mayor.
Possible options were discussed by the representatives of this Company, Provincial Secretary for work, employment and gender equality, the Director of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad Borislav Kobiljski, as well as local agriculture producers, companies and trade union representatives.

Vasin pointed out that, unless the solution is found, the bankruptcy is inevitable, but joint efforts of the public and private sector, i.e. the Institute and the land owners, this company could be saved.
This would be, he said, the first such a case in Serbia.
Actually, the idea is to engage the Institute to support the production of "Banat seme", but for further plan implementation it is necessary to start seed production engaging local agriculture producers.
The opinion of the producers are positive and they are willing to work with the institute they trust.
Vasin explained that the deadline for decision making had been prolonged for 60 days and that options are either bankruptcy or reorganisation.
-The biggest creditor is Razvojna banka Vojvodine/Development Bank of Vojvodina/, the reoganisation plan should be submitted by it, if that would be the option, and so far no one opposed it – said Vasin.
-The biggest creditor is Razvojna banka Vojvodine/Development Bank of Vojvodina/, the reoganisation plan should be submitted by it, if that would be the option, and so far no one opposed it – said Vasin.
"Banat seme" is in bankruptcy since the last November, and the bankruptcy procedure was started on the proposal of Razvojna banka Vojvodine, since the account had been blocked dated 31 October due to 203.2 million dinars not fulfilling the financial obligations for 558 days.