Job through LAEP programme
Today, according to 2012 Action Employment Plan (LAEP) in the City of Zrenjanin the contracts between employers, unemployed persons and the City of Zrenjanin have been signed for the programmes of trainee trainings and professional practice trainings
The Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov says that according to that Plan and the opinion of the Local Employment Council the City Administration of Zrenjanin accepted the following measures o f active employment policy: Programme of public works, Programme of professional trainee trainings, Programme of professional practice trainings, and all this in accordance with the needs of the local community, and on the other hand, with the needs of employers in the City of Zrenjanin.

As he says, the Programme of public works will engage 33 persons in total, 12 of them with the employer "SGR Graditelj" on the City's spatial environment and 22 with the Gerontology Center as gerontology hostesses.
- The Programme of professional practice will engage 66 persons in total with 23 employers. During the period of 6 – 12 months these persons will be trained, depending on their qualification, and the City will finance these trainings and professional exams. Also, 9 trainees will be engaged – Mihajlov says, adding that the City's 2012 employment budget is 15,300,000 dinars, and the Provincial Secretariat for Employment and Gender equality supported some of these programmes financially with 5 million dinars in total.
- The Programme of professional practice will engage 66 persons in total with 23 employers. During the period of 6 – 12 months these persons will be trained, depending on their qualification, and the City will finance these trainings and professional exams. Also, 9 trainees will be engaged – Mihajlov says, adding that the City's 2012 employment budget is 15,300,000 dinars, and the Provincial Secretariat for Employment and Gender equality supported some of these programmes financially with 5 million dinars in total.

Mihajlov mentioned that the City of Zrenjanin had signed the Protocol of Cooperation with NIS Company and the Provincial Secretariat for Employment and Gender Equality, which defines he financial air of the City Administration for the programme of trainee engagement in NIS Company, where several young citizens will be given employment opportunities.