Project ''Back to the future'' leads to alternative energy resources
In the Primary school "Jovan Cvijić" a press conference was held to announce the finishing of the first stage of "Back to the future" Project, funded by EU funds.
According to the Project Manager, Željko Kevrešan "Back to the future" is implemented through IPA programme of cross border cooperation and it refers to a new approach in the development of alternative energy resources which are very important for the improvement of life quality of people living in border areas of Serbia and Romania. The Contracting authority is the City of Zrenjanin, a partner Chamber of economy of Timis District.The total project value is 536,500 Eura, including EU grant through IPAwhich is 456,025 Eura.

Speaking about the Project the Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov says that it is only one of a dozen to be implemented with the reference to the Covenant of Mayors signed in Brussels this year.
- This is a Covenant of more than 2,000 cities of Europe committing to energy efficiency increasing by 2020 by using alternative energy resources with the objective of CO2 reduction for about 20 % which would reduce the total planet warming – explains Mihajlov adding that the City of Zrenjanin is one of the pioneers in Serbia in the field of alternative energy resources.
- We are continuing with these projects, we are creating the Strategy of development and usage of alternative energy resources for 2012 and hopefully by 2020 we will achieve this as other European cities – adds he.

Deputy Mayor, Predrag Stankov says that the project will have been finished by 15 July and that by now forty workshops on alternative energy resources have been held in city primary and secondary schools, and currently the works in "Jovan Cvijić" school are being finished.
This is actually a pilot project to estimate what energy savings can be made, explains he.
The Principal of "Jovan Cvijić" school, Nenad Milovančev expressed his satisfaction and thanked tot he local government for including the School into this Project.
- We have finished most carpentry works and the rest is to be covered by the funds of Provincial Secretariat for Energy, since our pupils are well educated in this field and they won the first place at the competition of the Secretariat.
The Principal of "Jovan Cvijić" school, Nenad Milovančev expressed his satisfaction and thanked tot he local government for including the School into this Project.
- We have finished most carpentry works and the rest is to be covered by the funds of Provincial Secretariat for Energy, since our pupils are well educated in this field and they won the first place at the competition of the Secretariat.
After the press conference the pupils were handed out shirts and promotion material.