Signed Contract on Golf Center in Zrenjanin Project of National Importance
Today the Mayor of Zrenjanin, Čedomir Janjić, and the director of Golf Club "Sava" from Belgrade Ivica Suturović have signed the Contract on land renting for the building of Golf Center in Zrenjanin. They presented this investment of about 1 million Euro in the presence of the representatives of Golf Association of Serbia, including the Secretary General Irena Suturović Bogdanović.

Zrenjanin will have a representative sport center, when golf is listed as one o f the Olympic sport, and the unbuilt city part will have completely new look. Apart from open 9-hole grounds, which is the international standard, the center will include the parking lot, building and auxiliary facilities. Simultaneously it will be a national training center for juniors, but all players will use it.

In the center of the complex there will be a small pond, which will have, apart from drainage and sport purpose, esthetic purpose as well. Next to the building there will be a modern children playground, which means that Zrenjanin, apart from Žabalj golf grounds and Belgrade Ada Ciganlija, offer the best conditions for the development of this sport in Serbia. Zrenjaninski golf center will have the longest training area of 350 m, and the whole fence a round the complex will be 2.5 km long.

The mayor of Zrenjanin, Čedomir Janjić said that this was one of the projects of national improtance which are implemented in Zrenjanin, besides Paraolympic training center and auto-moto races area and national training center for marshal arts, which all should result in new development opportunities for the city.
- We would like to make Zrenjanin a sport city and we invest much in sport i infrastructure and this is the result, I can say, of long negotiations with the Golf Association and I think that it is a great news . I do not think that golf is a sport of the rich only, and I believe that a large part of population, particularly the young will play it too. All this makes Zrenjanin a city with a perspective, with a 8.2 fall of unemployment in 2015, said the Mayor.

The director of golf Club "Sava", Ivica Suturović, says that Zrenjanin golf center will be regional junior training center. He tthnaked to the Mayor and his team on the cooperation which resulted in this contract.
- We are looking foreard to obtain allnecessary permits as soon as possible so that we can start the building and hopefully the next year, at this time the grounds will be ready. In Serbia there are about 750 registered players, 200 of them are children. Golf is, as the Olympic sport, introduced in primary schools, and in Zrenjanin too. We have been working on golf promotion, particularly to children - said Suturović.

Now there is a golf school in the primary school "Žarko Zrenjanin", and some other schools in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš are opened too. In the primary school "Žarko Zrenjanin" the golf promotion was held on 20 March 2015.
Irena Suturović Bogdanović, the secretary general of the Golf Association of Serbia said that it was a huge project both for the City and the Association.
- I am glad that it was Zrenjanin where we got such a support for this sport. The project is very important both for the golf club "Sava", which provides the funds and for the Golf Association of Serbia enabling us to make this sport, the most popular individual sport in the world, more available to people, particularly children in Serbia - said Irena Suturović Bogdanović.

Trenutno se škola golfa organizuje u zrenjaninskoj osnovnoj školi "Žarko Zrenjanin", a u program razvoja golfa uključene su još i škole u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu. Promocija golfa je u školi "Žarko Zrenjanin" održana 20. marta 2015. godine i tu zanimljivu akciju učenici škole prihvatili su s velikom pažnjom i interesovanjem.