Hunting and fishing tourism

"Begej" hunting-ground, which is managed by the Hunting Administration of the City of Zrenjanin, occupies an area of 124,038 hectares, and the Hunters’ Association "Zrenjanin" is one of the largest in Serbia and has 1,295 active hunters. The continuously bred species of game in "Begej" hunting-ground are roe-deer, wild boar, hare, pheasant, and grey partridge. The Association also possesses 67.5 hectares of land, 6 hectares permanent enclosures/forest preserves and the hunting lodge of a useful area of 250 m2.
The staff service has a manager of the hunting-ground – a professional person (highly skilled) and game agents (three-year secondary school qualifications). Hunting tourism is developed, particularly the spring hunting of roe-buck, summer hunting of eddish hen, turtle-dove, Barbary dove, and wood pigeon, autumn hunting of wild duck, and the winter hunting of laughing goose. The hunting-ground is rich in game, so that the population of roe deer game numbers around 3,000 species, the population of hare around 15,000, and the population of pheasant about 10,000.
Out of hunters who stayed in the hunting-ground, the most numerous were the hunters from Italy, who used to hunt small game, then from Germany, Austria, and Spain, who hunted roe-buck.
Hunters’ Association "Zrenjanin", Kej 2. oktobra 19