Touring the city

Touring the city
We recommend to the guests of Zrenjanin to start the visit to the city and its environs with the familiarization with the cultural and historical monuments, building heritage in the old town nucleus, or some of the institutions of culture, which nurture a rich tradition in human creativity in this region. The old nucleus consists of a group of attractive buildings, most of which were constructed in the course of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, and there are located in the streets of Kralja Aleksandra I Karađorđević, Svetosavska, Gimnazijska, Pupinova, Narodnog fronta, Kralja Petra Prvog, Jevrejska, Svetozara Markovića, around the Trg slobode - Freedom Square, the Trg dr Zorana Djindjića - Dr Zoran Đinđić Square and "Mali most-Small Bridge". There is also the unique promenade along the city lakes, created by partition of the abandoned course of the River Begej.
The heterogeneous national structure of the population has caused existence of quite a number of religious facilities, constructed in different periods and in different parts of the city and, on its northeastern periphery, a monastery is also located. To those interested in this type of building and cultural heritage, the churches offer the possibility to familiarize themselves with the unavoidable part of the city history and tradition.
Interesting locations where guests can take a break are certainly restaurants with the national cuisine, of which there is quite a number in the city territory, and the visit to the popular resorts on the city fringe – "Peskara" and "Ada Šumice" – is an excellent opportunity for a stay and recreation before touring the environs of Zrenjanin.