Reception for table tennis players of ''Banat'', state champions for the second time
Table tennis players of Zrenjanin "Banat" are the champions of Serbia for the second time in team category, having won Belgrade "Crvena Zvezda" /"Red Star"/, in the finals of play-off, both times scoring 4:2. The new title was won in splendid atmosphere of the new Zrenjanin sport hall, and the Championship Cup was hold, as in the previous season, by Marko Petkov, Đorđe Borčić, Uroš Gordić and Ilija Majstorović.

For the four of them, as well as for their trainer Zoran Mulić an the Chairman of the club Dmitar Majstorović a reception was organised today in the City Hall by the President of the City Assembly Aleksandar Marton and representatives of the local governement in charge of sport – a member of the City Council for sport Vojislav Matić, M.Sci. and general secretary of Sport Association of Zrenjanin City Srđan Bogaroški.

Reminding that in sport it is always easier to win than to defend the title the team and management of the club were congratulated for one more successful presenting of Zrenjanin sport. As last year, when they were, apart from wrestlers of "Proleter" the only champion team, table tennis players are heading to the same success this year.
- It is a great thing when you win championship in a team sport, and particularly when you defeat famous clubs like "Red Star" and "Partizan". Zrenjanin is proud of table tennis players of "Banat", who, together with other sportsmen make our town live. We have seen recently that Ivan Lenđer amlost won abronze medal at the European Championship, that voleyball women players from Zrenjanin, members of the national team, are qualified for the Olympics as well as the coach of table tennis of "Banat", which proves that Zrenjanin is, after Belgrade and Novi Sad, the strongest sport center of Serbia. This is the best message to young people who prefer to be engaged in healthy life activities. – emphasised Aleksandar Marton.
- It is a great thing when you win championship in a team sport, and particularly when you defeat famous clubs like "Red Star" and "Partizan". Zrenjanin is proud of table tennis players of "Banat", who, together with other sportsmen make our town live. We have seen recently that Ivan Lenđer amlost won abronze medal at the European Championship, that voleyball women players from Zrenjanin, members of the national team, are qualified for the Olympics as well as the coach of table tennis of "Banat", which proves that Zrenjanin is, after Belgrade and Novi Sad, the strongest sport center of Serbia. This is the best message to young people who prefer to be engaged in healthy life activities. – emphasised Aleksandar Marton.

Congratulations were stated by the member of the City Council for sport, Vojslav Matić, M.Sci. and general secretary of Sport Association of Zrenjanin City Srđan Bogaroški saying that this club can be an example of good sport club in the City.
On the behalf of the team Đorđe Borčić, thanked for the reception and congratulations expressing the happiness and satisfaction of all the team and club.