Free Zone Extension in Zrenjanin approved
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has approved the extension of the Free Zone Zrenjanin from present six to 98 ha, which will provide more favourable business conditions for the companies running business in the Free Zone. Mayor Deputy of Zrenjanin, Predrag Stankov, explained that the Free Zone is now extended to three locations. Apart from the first one, where “Kolpa” is situated, now it opened in the industrial zones “Southeast – Ečka” and “Bagljaš”.
- This means a lot to domestic and foreign investors who export their goods. To enable them these favourable business conditions we had to do a serious study and justify such a decision – said Stankov. Feasibility Study of the Zone extension was submitted by the Company with Limited Liability “Slobodna zona Zrenjanin“ /Free Zone Zrenjanin/, which was founded by the local government and “Kolpa Zrenjanin” back in 2005.
- This means a lot to domestic and foreign investors who export their goods. To enable them these favourable business conditions we had to do a serious study and justify such a decision – said Stankov. Feasibility Study of the Zone extension was submitted by the Company with Limited Liability “Slobodna zona Zrenjanin“ /Free Zone Zrenjanin/, which was founded by the local government and “Kolpa Zrenjanin” back in 2005.

The Director of the Free Zone Zrenjanin, Branislav Malagurski, says that this opens a new opportunity for the increasing of industrial capacities and full employment of labour which is now unemployed in the City.
- Ten companies from the Industrial Zone “Ečka” will be in the new Free Zone, and a German company “Draxlmayer” in the zone “Bagljaš”, which plans to have 1,.730 employees by the end of 2012, and to employ a couple hundreds more in the next year – pointed out Malagurski.
It is expected, as he says, the investment value in the Free Zone will be 21 million Euro this year, out of which 15 million refers to “Draxlmayer”, currently the biggest employer in Vojvodina.
The Director of “Draxslmayer” in Serbia, Miro Vidošević, says that the Company is interested in business extension thanks to favourable conditions of the Free Zone regime.