Student camp in Dolenjske toplice
The Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov, gave a reception today for the students who go to the youth camp in Slovenia. The Chairman of the Rotary Club, Petar Ćuk, and Radovan Eleković, the member of the Council for City's development were present at the reception too.

These students are the winners of the Municipal competitions in the English Language, German language, Serbian language and Mathematics. These young students deserve the support of the City, being the future strength of our City, said the Mayor, explaining the reasons for the City's participation in this project.
Eleković pointed out that the Rotary Club was established in Zrenjanin 1998 and that by now it organised many important activities. This activity was organized with the Club from Zagorje where four children from Zrenjanin and four children from Brčko will go – explained Eleković.

The costs of accommodation, transfer and a part of pocket money will be covered by the Rotary Clubs, and expectations are that in future years more children will be included in this programme, with the costs covered through Rotary International, i.e. Matching Grant (MT).
The criteria for the children selection was achievement so the winners of the Municipal competitions were chosen: Vera Jovanović, Serbian, Ana Vidrić, English, Leona Nadjivan, German and Milan Kljajić, Mathematics – added he.