Visit to Islamic Community in Zrenjanin
- Zrenjanin is a city of all its citizens, a Muslim community is, after the Orthodox, and Roman Catholic, by size, the third religion community of this city, and i, as a President of the City assembly, have been always pointing out that the local government should support their activities as well, said Aleksandar Marton during the yesterday's visit. – Also I have to commend the activity of Islamic choir "Nur", i.e. "Light", which I had opportunity to listen to and which performs wonderfully Islamic spiritual songs.

The Presidnet of the City Assembly had talks with the main imam of the Islamic Community in Zrenjаnin, effendi Elvir Šerifović, as well as the President of the Islamic Community, Tahir Asani. Once again, a good cooperation of the Islamic community and the local government was confirmed, and the willingness to solve the present problems by mutual understanding and tolerance. As a gift, Aleksandar Marton gave Asani a painting of the Banat plain.

Effendi Elvir Šerifović says that it is possible to improve the quality of life and work of the Muslims in Zrenjanin and that the local government has the understanding for their activites and needs.
- We have been considering the extending of the space and building a new facility, and establishing of a cultural center, similar to the one in Subotica. We are here to live and work in peace and solve the problems jointly so that the living is good for everyone, no matter of their nations and religions, said the imam of Islamic community in Zrenjanin, Elvir Šerifović
- We have been considering the extending of the space and building a new facility, and establishing of a cultural center, similar to the one in Subotica. We are here to live and work in peace and solve the problems jointly so that the living is good for everyone, no matter of their nations and religions, said the imam of Islamic community in Zrenjanin, Elvir Šerifović