Trainings for LED staff of Municipality Offices
During the last week in Ečka a three-day seminar was held for the municipal officials from 9 Municipality Offices/Departments for local economic development, who were selected during the preparation phase of the project "Our joint mission-small LED Offices on the way to a big success" and who are going to attend the seminar integrated in this Project which is supported by Open Society Fund, and apart from CenTriR, which is a leading partner, City Administrations of Zrenjanin and Kragujevac and Municipality Pećinci participate as partners too.

Based on the survey regarding the capacities of the Municipal LED /Departments, done in some 20 municipalities, the Project team decided to provide the training for the officials of 9 municipalities: Šid, Bač, Irig, Bečej, Novi Bečej, Nova Crnja, Topola, Bela Crkva and Kovin. The introductory seminar was organised in Ečka, aimed to inform the participants about all relevant issues of local economic development, and the most important part of the training was the case study of the results achieved by the mentor Offices of Kragujevac, Zrenjanin and Pećinci. After the seminar the participants valued the networking with mentor Offices as the most important hoping to further cooperation. A few years ago these mentor offices were in identical situation as selected offices on the Project, and they managed to overcome all the obstacles, starting problems and traps the Led Offices were facing at the beginning of their work.
The next 5-month step of this training is organising of 3 one-day workshops by mentor Led Offices for their group of municipalities finishing the full education circle.