Bowling players in the World's top
The Sport Federation of the City of Zrenjanin gave a reception today for Zrenjanin bowling players who won a gold medal as the members of the national team of Serbia, at the World Youth Championship in Bautzen, Germany as well as a bronze medal at Junior World Cup for individuals, held in the same city. The gold was won by Radovan Vlajkov, Slobodan Simonović and Dalibor Popov, the members of Bowling Club "Banat", and bronze was won by Božidar Jurišić, the member of Bowling Club "Kristal". The coach of BC "Kristal" Dragan Fatović, as well as the secretary of BC "Banat", Dušan Popadić attended the reception too. On the behalf of the Sport Federation of the City Srđan Bogaroški, the general secretary welcomed the sportsmen and on the behalf of the local government Aleksandar Marton, the President of the City's Assembly and Vojislav Matić, M.Sc. the member of the City Council in charge of sport.

- This is not the first time we meet bowling players, who have already had good results, and I am particularly glad today that we have the representatives of both Zrenjanin clubs, which successfully promote our city and country – said the President of the City Assembly. He added that it was the continuation of good results of our sportsmen and sportswomen during the last fifteen days, including the volleyball players, swimmers and National Championship winners in table tennis.
- The city of Zrenjanin has been trying, according to present conditions, to support the sport, hoping that in future it will be even better. – added he.
- The city of Zrenjanin has been trying, according to present conditions, to support the sport, hoping that in future it will be even better. – added he.
Vojislav Matić, M.Sci., as in case of table tennis players said that in sport it was more difficult to stay in those than to win it, reminding that bowling players had won gold at previous World Championship in Rijeka in 2010.

In strong competition, as the winners, estimated, Serbia in the finals won in the matches with Slovenia and Germany (3496 pins, Slovenia 3478 and Germany 3451). Apart from three Zrenjanin bowlers (Popov, 587 pins), (Simonović, 556) and Vlajkov (544), other members of the national team were Robert Ernješi (662), Miloš Simijonović (565) and Igor Kovačić (582 pins).
Now Serbia has two subsequent gold medals of the World Championship – in senior category (Dettenheim 2009. and Sarajevo 2011) and junior category (Rijeka 2010. and Bautzen 2012).