Reconstruction of local health clinic in Ečka
Today Mayor Deputy Goran Kaurić, together with the Director of Health Center “Dr Boško Vrebalov“ Borislav Đorđević, visited the reconstructed local heath clinic in Ečka.
According Kaurić it is one of the busiest daily clinics since many surrounding villages have no doctor working afternoons and weekends.

He emphasised that many works were done in order to improve the medical services for citizens.
As Borislav Đorđević says the last year's daily average of examinations was about a hundred people, which is actually work for two doctors.

The total value of the investment is, as Djordjevic says, 505,000 dinars, and 70,000 was invested in floor reconstruction. The funds were provided by the Health Center “Dr Boško Vrebalov“.
Also in Ečka works on the public eco fountain are being finished in a couple of days when the water filtering system is going to be built in.