Soot as the main air pollutant in Zrenjanin
Today Aleksandar Marton, the President of Zrenjanin City Assembly had a meting with Dejan Jovanov, the Head of the Environment Protection and Improvement Department when they discussed the published results of the survey of the Institute for public health of Serbia, according to which the highest concentrations of sulphur – dioxide were measured in Zrenjanin and Elemir during the last year.

Dejan Jovanov said that it is a wrong p iece of information regarding this gas as the most dominant pollutant in Zrenjanin environment since it was soot.
- The concentration of sulphur-dioxide is relatively high, but within standard limits of regulations. Maximal allowed concentration of 125 micrograms per cube meter is not exceeded. It is sooth that is the biggest problem in the City and suspended sooth microparticles, coming from traffic and households. Measures showed that out of 365 days last year, during air monitoring, 153 days showed five times higher concentrations than allowed maximal ones – warned the Head of Environment Department, concluding that sooth is the main air problem of pollution in Zrenjanin. According to his words the solution for this is a smart traffic light, directing of heavy vehicles out of town, improvement of the conditions of public transport, but also household gasification.
Aleksandar Marton, the President of the City Assembly reminded that the World Environment Day was marked but that people were still not aware enough of this problem.
- The environment regulations may be good but the question is how much they are violated and how much the violations are fined. We all can contribute to further improvement of our environment and the crisis cannot be an excuse since it cots nothing to walk or ride a bicycle to work, which is now common in EU countries, and waste is not allowed to be disposed on the dumps. I hope, with today activity, we are going to change, at least, slightly the attitude to this issue – said Aleksandar Marton, who appealed to citizens to join the project "Clean Serbia" on 9 May, which, as before, will be supported by the City of Zrenjanin.