Festival of Fire Service of Serbia in Zrenjanin
In Zrenjanin a Festival of Fire Service of Serbia will be held from 29 June to 1 July and regarding this the Mayor of Zrenjanin, the Chairman of the organisation Board of the Festival gave a reception for Dragana Jajića, Secretary of the City's Fire Service Association and member of the Board of Fire Service Association of Serbia, Milan Nikolić, Chairman of the City's Fire Service Association Zrenjanin and Branka Jajić, M.A., PR of the Festival.

The Mayor Mihajlov says that Zrenjanin City has recognized a great significance and humanitarian aspect of voluntary societies, so, it could be said, that Zrenjanin is the only city in Serbia which supports financially voluntary fire service.
- Our aim is to have this Voluntary Fire Service ready and equipped to help citizens, and it has been working for two centuries now and there are more than 1000 participants at this third Festival – says Mihajlov, adding that professional fire Service is also partly supported financially by the local government.

As Jajić says, Fire service competitions in Serbia has a long tradition, more than a 100 years, and they have been organised every 4 years since 1951. At the same time they are qualifications for International Fire Service Olympics, and since 2004 all fire service competitions have been organised as Fire Service Festival.
Jajić says that this year more than 90 teams from all districts will be competing. At the City stadium.