Office for Youth celebrates the third birthday
Today the Office for youth celebrates the third anniversary of establishing and working so the Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov gave a reception at the City Hall.
Congratulating them the Mayor thanked them for all they have done for the youth in our City expressing his hope that they will work even better through projects as well as the support of the local self-government which accepted the Local Action Plan for Youth from 2009 . Many projects have been finished which deserves respect and attention because the young are our future .
The Coordinator of the Office for Youth, Darko Trajlov, says that several projects are completed all regarding the improvement of the quality of living for young people in our city, and the donor's visit just confirms this, but the final assessment will be given by the young of Zrenjanin.
Ivana Kovačević, the State Secretary of Youth and Sport, expressed her pleasure to be in Zrenjanin after three years again estimating the work of the Office as excellent, including the coordinator, volunteers and associates.
- It proved to be good what we as the Ministry started in 2007., when we began the process of Office establishing and today we have 124 offices. Zrenjanin was among the first cities to open the Office for Youth, and they deserve all the positive assessments for their work since the young can express their needs but also to implement projects, to be creative and participate in the life of Zrenajnin City – said Kovačević.
- It proved to be good what we as the Ministry started in 2007., when we began the process of Office establishing and today we have 124 offices. Zrenjanin was among the first cities to open the Office for Youth, and they deserve all the positive assessments for their work since the young can express their needs but also to implement projects, to be creative and participate in the life of Zrenajnin City – said Kovačević.
Aleksandar Mentov from USAID, also says that they are satisfied with Zrenjanin Office which was opened in 2009. godine, and so far several projects are finished.
Mentov pointed out that two the most important projects are: development of the action Plan for entrepreneurship and partnership between the Office for Youth and American company "Men power" which is engaged in labour development. Thanks to that, Zrenjanin has a career development centre.
Marija Radovanović (GIZ BOSS) states that this organisation includes a large project regarding youth policy, has a cooperation through other projects and that the Office will be the place where the young will be able to get the information about their careers, CV writing, interviews etc.
Kamleš Patel, the Director of the International Association for Human Values seated in Geneva, was also present at the reception as well as the Director of the programme within "The Art of Living" Foundation who later gave a talk at "Zeleno zvono" club.