Industrial and technical heritage of Serbia
The annual conference of the Society of conservators of Serbia, organised by the Institute of Culture Heritage Protection Zrеnjаnin has been today, at "Vojvodina" hotel, and the topic of this two-day conference is the industrial and technical heritage of Serbia.
The Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov, welcomed guests emphasising that our City has a long and rich cultural, historical and industrial heritage.
The Mayor of Zrenjanin, dr Mileta Mihajlov, welcomed guests emphasising that our City has a long and rich cultural, historical and industrial heritage.

The conference was opened by the Minister of Culture, Informing and Information Society Predrag Marković who pointed out that it was one of the priorities of the Ministry.
- During the last several years our priority was the principle which refers to all, not to culture only, and that is that if you are not capable of preserving your heritage there is no sense to invest money into the new and then waste it. Conservators are very important since Serbia has become a real and absolute leader regarding regional cooperation, exchange of experience and trainings of professionals from all countries from the region – said Minister Marković.
The topic of this year's conference is industrial and technical heritage of Serbia with the presentation of Slovenian experience and on the behalf of Zrenjanin Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection Vesna Karavida, an art historian, presented industrial and technical heritage of Zrenjanin.