Taras becomes a ''European Stork Village''
Taras is listed as one of 14 "European Stork Villages", in 14 states, as it was announced during the event called "Days of Storks", held in that village. The Manager of the German environmental foundation "EuroNatur" Stefan Ferger handed the Cetificate of "European Stark Village 2015." to the represetnativs of the local administration office Taras, Association of Citizens "Taras Storks" and City of Zrenjanin, and the announcement was attended by a large number of the inhabitants of Taras and their guests.

"EuroNatur" foundation was established in 1987 and it is engeged in environomental activities all aorund Europe. Simce 1994 the Foundation has been supporting the European stark villages, and before Taras, this acknowledgement wad awarded to 13 villages, in 13 states, accordint to the rule – one state – one village.

Stefan Ferger reminded that Taras is the village with the largest number of white storks in Serbia, which was highly recommending.
- More than forty couples come here, which is a significant fact,but also what is important is that the inhabitants of Taras pay particular attention to the birds, take care of them, respect and love them. Also children are engaged in these activities of bird protection and therese were the reasons to choose Taras for the Certificate of "European Stork Village" – said Ferger.
- More than forty couples come here, which is a significant fact,but also what is important is that the inhabitants of Taras pay particular attention to the birds, take care of them, respect and love them. Also children are engaged in these activities of bird protection and therese were the reasons to choose Taras for the Certificate of "European Stork Village" – said Ferger.

The event was attended by the representatives of " Society for the Protection and Studying of Birds of Serbia", which successfully supported the village as the candidate for this certificate. Provincial Secretary for Urbanism, Construction and Environment, Slobodan Puzović, Ph.D. pointed out that the Secretariat has been supporting Special Nature Reserve "Okanj Pond" and other protected areas in this region, where Taras is situtated.
- We have been supporting this tradition and area and we are goitnto continue to do that in future, jointly with thelocal government and Taras Administrative Office,not only to preserve it but to promote and use in a sustainable way – said Puzović.
- We have been supporting this tradition and area and we are goitnto continue to do that in future, jointly with thelocal government and Taras Administrative Office,not only to preserve it but to promote and use in a sustainable way – said Puzović.

On behalf of Zrenjanin City Dubravka Bulovan Bengin "Taras – European Stork Village 2015. " saying that so far Taras was rather neglected but that the current local government started to change that, providing the village opportunity to develop further.

"Days of Taras Storks" included many activities, and children contributed to it by their creative work of drawing, poetry, folklore. Now entering the village you can see the sign "European Stork Village", and only a dozen of meters farther is the Stork Street where most storks come.

List of European Stork Villages:
Čigoč, Croatia
Nagybajom, Hungary
Rühstädt, Germany
Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain
Andrid, Romania
Mala and Velika Polana, Slovenia
Tykocin, Poland
Marchegg, Austria
Belozem, Bulgaria
Altreu, Switzerland
Eskikaraağaç, Turkey
Češinovo-Obleševo, Macedonia
Buzica, Slovakia
Taraš, Serbia
Nagybajom, Hungary
Rühstädt, Germany
Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain
Andrid, Romania
Mala and Velika Polana, Slovenia
Tykocin, Poland
Marchegg, Austria
Belozem, Bulgaria
Altreu, Switzerland
Eskikaraağaç, Turkey
Češinovo-Obleševo, Macedonia
Buzica, Slovakia
Taraš, Serbia