Holocaust in memorial
In memory of all the Jew victims in the Second World War and their deportation from Zrenjanin, on 18. August 1941. a commemorative meeting was held yesterday on Zrenjanin Pedestrian Bridge. The prayer for the dead was in Hadrian language with the flowers streamed down the river.

On behalf of the Alliance of Jew Municipalities of Serbia the wraths were dropped into the river by Aleksandar Nećak and Danijela Danon, on behalf of Jew Municipality Zrenjanin LJiljana Popov, and on behalf of Zrenjanin City Dubravka Bengin Bulovan and Milan Mrkšić.
Wraths were laid by the representatives of other Jew Municipalities of Serbia.
On this occasion in the exhibition hall of Zrenjanin Historic Archive an exhibition was opened "Justice Fighters of Serbia – about good people", by Nenad Fogel, Chairman of Jew Municipality Zemun.