Prime Minister Dačić in Zrenjanin
Day of Fireman Rescue Units was marked in the City Hall with the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Affair, Ivica Dačić present, besides the Mayor, the representatives of the City Assembly, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Chiefs of the rescue units.

The Prime Minister pointed out that it was agreed in the government of Serbia to open a financial line for new 500 firemen – rescuers during 2013 adding that human losses, big material damage and devastating consequences to environment, as well as the damage of . this year's open fires are the warnings to take fire control more seriously and to invest more in it.
- One issue are human resources and another equipment, fire vehicles are 20 years old and this work will take several years, but I believe we are on the right path - said Dačić.

On this occasion Deputy Minister, Head of the Emergency Sector Predrag Marić handed Ivica Dačić Acknowledgement and awards to the members of the Section for their hard work.