The Fourth EU Fair ''The European Village'': promoting of Zrenjanin, Serbia and EU values
"The Day of Europe is celebrated in many places, but this is one of the most creative event, where, in a very inventive way people and children become familiar with the main Euroepan values, which include, not only diversity of cultures but also development of good relations and mutual cooperation and support", said the Deputy Director of the European Integration Office of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Ilić, opening the Fourth EU Fair "The European Village" in Zrenjanin.

Due to the reconstruction of the Square of Liberty, the event, which is traditionally held here, this year was relocated to Tirsova St, the area of the old market place. However, this has not effected the number of visitors, or creativity of the participants and their wish to represent the EU countries in the best possible way they can, promoting their distinctive features, tradition, culture, gastronomy, music… Today’s "European village" was presented by 24 primary schools located in the territory of Zrenjanin City, and Preschool Institution – Kindergarten which joined them in promotion of 26 EU member-countries.

This year, for the first time a competition "What do I know about EU?", was organised for the students of primary schools in PS "Vuk Karadžić" and for the secondary school students in Zrenjanin HIgh School, including about 50 students. The best students in both categories received the awards from the Chief of the Political Section of EU Delegation to Serbia, Luka Bjankoni.

He reminded that the 9th of May is marked as the Day of the European Union, because o that day in 1950, when so called "Schuman's Declaration" for the first time, presented the idea of "United Europe", including strong political and economic cooperation.
"Sixty five years later, the European Union is a "live" project, which, having started with six member countries now incread to 28 countries, that jointly cooperate and implement policies for peace and to the benefit of all its citizens. It is great that Day of Europe is marked here since Serbia has a clear objective to become a member of EU. I am impressed with this event and the fact that so many young Zrenjanin citizens are trying to learn somtheing more about the European Union and to spread the European idea in this region", expressing his impressions said Bjankoni.
"Sixty five years later, the European Union is a "live" project, which, having started with six member countries now incread to 28 countries, that jointly cooperate and implement policies for peace and to the benefit of all its citizens. It is great that Day of Europe is marked here since Serbia has a clear objective to become a member of EU. I am impressed with this event and the fact that so many young Zrenjanin citizens are trying to learn somtheing more about the European Union and to spread the European idea in this region", expressing his impressions said Bjankoni.

The Mayor Čedomir Janjić said that it was the second time that the City of Zrenjanin is the organiser of the EU Fair, and that this event has been listed in the official event programm of our city.
"I am very proud of all the school participants, of their principles, teachers, children who made great efforts during last two months to learn more aobut the countries they represent, to prepare the programme, and it is my particular pleasure that today, here in Zrenjanin, I can welcome the representatives of foreign embassies of EU member states. Today, actually, here at this EU Fair it is not only the City of Zrenjanin which is promoted, but Serbia too, and the embassies, which represent their coutnries, first of all, to our youngest citizens , which is certainly very good, because the better we get to know, the easier for us all", said Janjić.
"I am very proud of all the school participants, of their principles, teachers, children who made great efforts during last two months to learn more aobut the countries they represent, to prepare the programme, and it is my particular pleasure that today, here in Zrenjanin, I can welcome the representatives of foreign embassies of EU member states. Today, actually, here at this EU Fair it is not only the City of Zrenjanin which is promoted, but Serbia too, and the embassies, which represent their coutnries, first of all, to our youngest citizens , which is certainly very good, because the better we get to know, the easier for us all", said Janjić.

The representatives of several embassies and diplomatic missions of EU member countries as well as EU Delegation to Serbia were invited and came for the opening ceremony. Also, there were the representatives of Serbian European Integration Office and the Fund "European Affairs" of AP Vojvodina. Zrenjanin welcomed the mentioned Luka Bjankoni, and Ana Ilić, but also the Coordinator of EU Info Point Novi Sad, Snežana Pupovac, Deputy Director of SEIO, the representative of the Fund "European Affairs", Milan Čežek, as well as the representatives of the embassies of Greece, Sweden, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and French Cultural Center from Novi Sad.

Deputy Head of the Mission of the Greek Embassy to Serbia, Joanis Joanidis, having visited the last year’s EU Fair, has returned again this year stating that Greece has been supporting EU Fair "European Village" from the very beginning saying that EU Fair was organised as a part of Serbian EU integration He reminded on the cooperation of the Embassy and the schhol which had represented Greece a year ago announcing similar activities for this year.

"We have supplied the school "Jovan Dučić" from Klek, with computers and the students were our guests in Belgrade, while the Ambassador Ikonomidis has visited it recently, and we are looking forward to the visit of school "Mladost" from Tomaševac, on 22 May, since this year they represent Greece, said Joanidis.