Award of the Fund ''Todor Manojlović'' to Saša Rakezić - Aleksandar Zograf
Saša Rakezić, a comic author from Pančevo, was awarded in the City Hall on Friday for modern art sensibility by the Fund "Todor Manojlović" .
This year's award was handed to the winner by Aleksandar Marton, the President of the City Assembly.

Saša Rakezić, alias Aleksandar Zograf, who has been publishing comics since 1986 in various magazines, was very satisfied, as he said, that this type of art is finally recognized. Comic is a creative activity since it combines drawing and literature. For him comic is a part of every day life.

Aleksandar Marton, the President of the City assembly reminded that Todor, Manojlović, a writer, translator, critic promoted the idea of Europe all his life and that the City is going to support further this Fund.

The Fund was founded by the City Library in Zrenjanin in 1991 aiming to promote the work of Todor Manojlović. As written in the explanation 2011 award was given to a comic author due to its multi disciplinary art character, sincerity with no compromise and unique art expression.