Mayor Janjić, a year after: we did, we do and we plan
Today, a year after his appointment to the position of the Mayor of Zrenjanin City Čedomir Janjić has had a press conference where he has spoken about the work and activities of the local administration he led during that period. The Media Room was full and before the Mayor's statement a 15-minute film was shown presenting all the most important activities of Čedomir Janjić and his associates since June 2014.

The infrastructure works in the city and settlements are certainly the highlights as much as investment activities aiming to increase the employment rate and acknowledged by international awards. Also, not less important are several visits of foreign ambassadors of the m ost developed countries in the world, and Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which all resulted in significant agreements and projects. Important investments in agriculture and cattle production, improvement of the primary health protection, education and work conditions at schools, organising of recognized cultural, sport and tourist events. The key problem of drinking water in Zrenjanin is to be finally resolved.
Speaking to the media Janjić said that it was usual to give a one-year report and as the filmed showed lots had been done in Zrenjanin, lots is being done and still to be done.
"First of all, our aim is to rebuild the worn infrastructure, not only in the center and town but also in villages. We are trying to make this city a good and nice place for living. We are struggling against unemployment and actively promote Zrenjanin and all our advantages, our industrial zones and the Free Zone, all we can offer to potential investors to choose this place providing new jobs for our citizens"¸ said Janjić adding that it is not easy at all to reach investors, that the competitiveness does not refer only to other cities of Serbia but also to other states.
"The State is active in direct foreign investments attracting and we, within Serbia, would like to be leaders".

He pointed out that during this administration more than 1500 new jobs were opened stating the relevant data about the investors, 38 of them which either opened new plants or developed further the present ones providing the jobs for 5 to even 800 employees. In future, as he said, further 1300 new jobs are expected.
"We have very good cooperation with the Republic Government and I have to announce the beginning, i.e. the continuation of the construction of the ring road, and the bridge across the Begej. Jointly with "Putevi Srbije" /"Roads of Serbia"/ we are looking forward to a substantial reconstruction of the road Zrenjanin - Novi Sad, up to Žabalj juncture, which is an investment of more than 5 million Euro. Naturally we are in intensive talks with the Government of Serbia, as mentioned by the Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister and the Minister of Infrastructure, four lines on the motorway to Belgrade, which would mean enormous change for Zrenjanin".

Referring to the works in the very center of the City, Janjić repeated that it was not only decorating but that the most important part was done under the ground.
"We have solved the long-lasting problem of the pumping sewage station in the very center, and naturally surface works were included", emphasised he.
The Mayor repeated that he would like Zrenjanin to be a university city with at least five thousand students.
"There are a thousand six hundred students now in Zrenjanin and we are not satisfied. We are not going to be compared to Novi Sad, of course, and its 30 thousand students but five thousand students should be our target so that our children can study and stay here. That is one of our essential directions regarding education", concluded the Mayor of Zrenjanin, Čedomir Janjić.