Regional Conference on traffic safety in Zrenjanin
The City of Zrenjanin hosted the regional conference named "Traffic safety on roads of Banat cities and municipalities, particularly safety of children", held at the City Hall. The aim of the conference was the presentation of the information regarding safety and dangre for traffic participants in Serbia, i.e. Banat, as well as emphasiing the activies to be done to improve the traffic safety.

Ivan Bošnjak, M.Sc., the Mayor of Zrenjanin City pointed out the importance of such an event expressing his support to the efforts of the Agency for Traffic Safety of the Republic of Serbia, which will result in a better cooperation with local governments all over Serbia.
- Today we have hosted the representaives of the Agency for Traffic Safety and the representatives of local governments of this part of Serbia: Sečanj, Žitište, Nova Crnja Kovačica, Alibunar, Pančevo, Plandište, Novi Bečej, Kanjiža, Kikinda i Kovin. The Agency presentedand the most important issues regarding traffic safety, particularly safety of children, and contacts are made with the colleagues from other municipalities, which is all essental for a good and frutful cooperation. We are going to make further efforts in future activities to improve traffic safety, as well as other segments of life in our city, but also in the whole Central Banat district – said Ivan Bošnjak M.Sc, the Mayor of Zrenjanin.

Stojadin Jovanović, Director of the Agency for Traffic Safety of the Republic of Serbia thanked to the representatives of Zrenjanin City for the opportunity to organise the conference at the regional level and for the joint success in solving traffic safety.
- Initiated by the Mayor Bošnjak, the Agency organised such a conference for the first time, to discuss the traffic situation inBanat. Now it is up to us to continue this activty in other regions too - said Stojadin Jovanović, explaining that Traffic Safety Act defines the options for cities and municipalities to organise traffic safety measures, and the lcoal governmetns are responsible forthe devlopment of safety strategies and annual plans, which shpuld include all necessary measures and acitvities to be undertaken.
- Statistical data show some improvement: total number of traffic accidents for ten months has been reduced for 13 %, the number of deaths is lower for more than six %. However, we are not satisfied with that, since for the last year we have a larger number of hard traffic accidents - added Jovanović. Therefore, he pointed out, it is very important to organise conferences and trainings like this one in order to increase the safety of all traffic participants, particularly the youngest.