
Period 1848-1914
The 1848/49 revolution had its impact on Bečkerek. The Serbs’ war aim was to separate Vojvodina as an independent province, which could be equal with other countries. At the May meeting held in Sremski Karlovci from 13th to 15th May 1848, Metropolitan Josif Rajačić was elected for the Patriarch and spiritual leader of Serbs and “the Serbian Vojvodina” was announced. It should have included Srem, Bačka, Baranja, with Bečej’s district and the Šajkaš’s battalion and Banat with its frontier and the Kikinda’s district. The Serbs from Bečkerek took part in the revolt against Hungarian authority and from 26th January to 29th April 1849 the town was under the Serbs forces control. Djordje Stratimirović was in command of the Serbian forces and after him, Stevan Knićanin, too.
Although the Serbs were finally defeated, yet as a result of the revolution, the Emperor’s authority strengthened and the town became the headquarters of the newly created provinces: “Serbian Vojvodina and Tamiš Banat” (by imperial edict on 18th November 1849).
The official language in the new province was German. Many important institutions were founded: District Office, Financial Direction, Provincial Court (1850) and many others.
Although that time was known in history as a period of Bach’s absolutism, the second part of the 19th century brought the town new developing benefits. New industrial firms and handicraft stores were opened in every part of the town.