Human Resources & Education
Industry branch | No. of Employees | Net Salary € | Gross Salary € |
Food Industry |
4.400 |
220 | 300 |
Metal Industry |
3.200 |
240 | 330 |
Civil Engineering |
2.100 |
240 | 330 |
Oil Industry |
2.000 |
340 | 560 |
Textile and Leather |
1.800 |
170 | 230 |
Other |
1.900 |
210 | 290 |
Education has approximately 150 year long tradition. Presently there are 10 primary and 8 secondary public schools in the town itself and 22 elementary public schools in surrounding communities.
High Technical School of Professional Studies in Zrenjanin was established in 1960 and since then it has been educating engineers in mechanical engineering and technology.
There is the Faculty of Technology “Mihajlo Pupin”, established in 1974 as a part of Novi Sad University, it is engaged in: scientific-research work, application of the scientific results in order to rationalize high education. It offers the following professional profiles:
1. IT in education
2. IT engineering
3. Business IT
4. Business communications Management
5. Technical systems Management
6. Clothes and textile design
7. Production management
8. IT and technical studies professor
9. Technical studies professor
10. Mechanical Industrial engineering
Nowadays, following the tradition of adjusting to the needs of the local industry demands, these educational institutions are willing to introduce vocational programs and trainings, within their legal competence to provide the exact specific qualifications investors may need for running their business activities.
Foreign languages have also been traditionally part of educational school programs and in every day life. There are approximately 15 private schools of foreign languages, the most popular languages taught are: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish and Russian.