Reception for Milan Piperski, Champion of South-east Europe in professional boxing
Today Aleksandar Marton, the President of the City Assembly, and his associate gave a reception for Milan Piperski, a new champion of the South-east Europe in WBC category and for his trainer, Srđan Evđenić. The reception wa also attended by the members of the City Council in charge of sport, Vojislav Matić M.Sc. and General Secretary of the Sport Alliance of the City of Zrenjanin, Srđan Bogaroški.

Piperski won in the match with Dragomir Totev from Bulgaria, organized in Zaječar, on 7 April and broadcasted directly for millions of TV spectators.
Congratulating him on this success, the President of Zrenjanin City Assembly pointed out that this was an important victory and expressed his hope that some of the future Piperski's matches would be held in Zrenjanin.
- During the last 20 years boxing is not very much popular in Serbia, but the recent results of Borovčanin and now Piperski give a hope that it can be changed - said Marton.
- During the last 20 years boxing is not very much popular in Serbia, but the recent results of Borovčanin and now Piperski give a hope that it can be changed - said Marton.

According to Milan Piperski these are only the first steps on the way to the most important goal, even the title of the World Champion.