Culture Club ''Šandor Petefi'' - Activity and Problem Solving
Today the President of the City Assembly Aleksandar Marton and the City Council member Vaš, Tibor visited Culture Club "Šandor Petefi" in Mužlja. They discussed with the representatives of "Petefi" current issues of this club but also the problems in its work, particularly after the recent breakdowns in heating system which make it impossible to use a big hall where most programmes take place.

Aleksandar Marton pointed out the significance of culture clubs which is an important form of national minority gathering and preserving their cultures.
- "Petefi" from Mužlja is only one of the most successful culture-art societies at the territory of Zrenjanin City, which proves that it is possible to preserve traditional national values and that it is quite normal in this country . We in the local self-government keep saying that we want good neigbourhood relations and that in Zrenjanin it has never been important what name you have, what church you go to or do not go, simply that is the way of life inn this region and this city. We have come to discuss problems and options for their solutions – pointed out the President of Zrenjanin Assembly.
- "Petefi" from Mužlja is only one of the most successful culture-art societies at the territory of Zrenjanin City, which proves that it is possible to preserve traditional national values and that it is quite normal in this country . We in the local self-government keep saying that we want good neigbourhood relations and that in Zrenjanin it has never been important what name you have, what church you go to or do not go, simply that is the way of life inn this region and this city. We have come to discuss problems and options for their solutions – pointed out the President of Zrenjanin Assembly.

The member of the City Council, Vaš, Tibor, who was personally engaged in "Petefi"'s work, also emphasised the importance of these clubs but they have to be financially supported by the local government informing that after several years the City of Zrenjanin open a call for financing of programme activities of culture-art clubs concluding that it is a good way of supporting.

The president of Culture Club "Šandor Petefi" Olah Vencel, Erika this heating breakdown affected all prepared activities so they had to be delayed explaining that this breakdown is the result of financial incapacity to maintain heating system regularly.