Cooperation of School ''9 maj'' and ''Maštalište''
Protocol of Cooperation between Zrenjanin City and Primary and Secondary School "9.maj" and Children and Youth Center "Maštalište" was signed today in the City Hall.
The Mayor Ivan Bošnjak, M.Sci. says that, as had been promised at the beginning of the academic year, the essential issue was to improve the working conditions
- Today we have included "Maštalište", but naturally this is only the first step of our activities – said Bošnjak.
- Today we have included "Maštalište", but naturally this is only the first step of our activities – said Bošnjak.

Coordinator of "Maštalište" Milica Velimirović points out that the cooperation has been lasting for twelve years but this is the first time it has been made official, as a part of a big compaign organised by young people from "Maštalište" referring to children's rights
- In "Maštalište" we have daily stay for slightly disabled children, as well as activities for children from regular primary and secondary school and they all work together contributing to the local community. So, today we are verifying something we have been doing for more than a decade – said she.

The Principal of "9. maj" school Snežana Oluški says the expectations were reached a long time ago, and this Protocol signing is now just a symbolic act to demonstrate a joint care for children and youth of the City, School "9.maj" and "Maštalište".
Also the Principal thanked Milica Velimirović who fully understood and cooperated several years ago when it was arranged for young people to be transferred to "Maštalište" when they were too old to stay at school. These young people work in the garden there, learn to weave and do other craft work. She added that the visit of the Mayor was very important for them which meant an important kind of support. Also she thanked to media for their support. This is the right way to demolish psycho-social barriers of prejudice and to open a path to people's hearts – she said.