Logistic Center for Fruit and Vegetable in Mužlja
Today the Chairman of Vojvodina Parliament, Ištvan Pastor, opened the Logistic Center for Fruit and Vegetable which aims to improve working conditions of associated partners in Zrenjanin Area, as well as supporting economic development at the local level, particularly strengthening of traditional vegetable production in this region.
This Center is an investment of. 4.7 million dinars, financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, and it is the first stage of the Regional Center's support of fruit and vegetable production development in the Central Banat

According to Pastor this is a very important investment intended to divide production from packing, market research and preparation, and payment collecting.
The Mayor of Zrenjanin, Ivan Bošnjak, M.Sci. and his associated were also present at the opening, emphasising that this is the best example of the cooperation of private sector and the state's support resulting in a better standard of citizens who took the advantage of private imitative and hard work ,finding their way to EU market too.

This Center's activity is reception and keeping of fresh fruit and vegetables until delivered, all in accordance to the necessary standards and law. The project was started by the Citizens' Center for Development and Informing Fokus Zrenjanin, and the investor and beneficiary is DOO Carska Bašta / the Tsar’s Garden Ltd/, founded four years ago by fruit and vegetable producers front his part of Banat, a company with 19 employees and about 3 million Euro annual turnover, which makes about 400 tons of production per month.
- Vegetable producers have to cooperate and plan and organise their production jointly since it is the key to a better and larger production and this logistic center is the result of this successful cooperation - said Madaras, adding that the most important part of the chain is Zrenajnin trade company “Gomeks” which works with Mužlja vegetable producers.
- Vegetable producers have to cooperate and plan and organise their production jointly since it is the key to a better and larger production and this logistic center is the result of this successful cooperation - said Madaras, adding that the most important part of the chain is Zrenajnin trade company “Gomeks” which works with Mužlja vegetable producers.

The owner of “Gomeks” Company, Goran Kovačević, pointed out that “Carska bašta” provides fresh fruit all he year round.
- I used to say that the production, with a little support of the community, can be increased five to ten times. Today my opinion is the same. Thank to our cooperation we are creating a brand offering customers fresh tomato from “Carska bašta”, because is of high quality, and not imported Spanish tomato – said Kovačević.